Support SRML by becoming a Project Member or Website Sponsor

The University of Oregon Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory is a regional solar radiation data center. Our primary purpose is to provide and archive high quality solar resource information for the Pacific NorthWest.

Providing quality solar resource information is time consuming and expensive; funding is achieved by combining resources from many groups, agencies, and industries that benefit from this information.

There are two ways you can support SRML:

(1) Website Sponsorship, or

(2) Project Membership.

(1) Website Sponsorships

Website Sponsors are those who provide funds annually to support the development, maintenance and availability of the UO SRML Website. There are three levels of Website Sponsorship available through a Sponsorship Agreement.

Premier Website Sponsorship

A Premier Sponsor is a Website sponsor who provides $10,000 or more annually to maintain free access for SRML users. In recognition, the Premier Sponsor's logo and link will be listed on the home page under Premier Website Sponsors. The names of each Premier Sponsor will be included on a proportion of the sun path charts that are created by on our Website. We generate over 100,000 sun path charts each year! Premier Sponsors also receive an invitation to attend the annual meeting of the solar radiation monitoring project as well as early notification of publications. An annual report on Website usage will also be prepared and sent to Premier Sponsors.

Sustaining Website Sponsorship

Sustaining Website Sponsors provide $5,000 or more annually to maintain free access for SRML users. In recognition, their logo and company link will be listed under the Website Sponsor section on the Sponsor's Webpage. They will also receive an invitation to attend the annual meeting of the solar radiation monitoring project, notification of publications, and an annual report on Website usage.

Contributing Website Sponsorship

Contributing Website Sponsors provide $1,000 or more annually to maintain free access for SRML users. In recognition, their company name and link will be listed on the sponsor's webpage. They will receive notification of publications and an annual report on Website usage.

(2) Project Membership

Project Members support the work of the UO SRML through contracts or contributions that enable the core research activities that result in new solar resource assessment information.

Sustaining Project Membership

A Sustaining Project Member is an agency, company, foundation, or person providing $25,000 or more annually. Sustaining Project Members receive recognition on our Web site home page and through UO SRML activities. The Sustaining Project Member becomes part of the UO SRML advisory committee that helps plan and direct the activities of the UO SRML under our Project Member Agreement. Each Sustaining Project Member is listed on a proportion of the sun path charts that are created on our Website. They also receive acknowledgment on UO SRML publications. An annual report on Website usage will also be prepared and sent to Project Members.

Affiliate Project Membership

The Affiliate Project Member is an agency, company, foundation, or person that provides $5,000 or more annually. Project Affiliates are listed on the project member page along with their logo and link to their Website. They can obtain advice from SRML as available on solar resource assessment topics. Affiliates also receive a copy of the Solar Calculator PC-based Excel add-in used by the UO SRML for analysis of the UO SRML solar radiation database and estimation of PV performance.

Contributing Project Membership

The Contributing Member is anyone who provides funds to the University of Oregon Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory (UO SRML). The contributing Member is listed on the sponsorship page as a Contributing Member and receives publications sent out during the year by email.


Contributions can be made either directly to the UO SRML or through the University of Oregon foundation to the UO SRML account. The UO SRML acknowledges gifts on its website.

Project Memberships and Website Sponsorships have a duration of one year and can be renewed annually. Contact Charles Williams, Executive Director, Technology Transfer Services, to obtain a Project Membership Agreement or Website Sponsorship Agreement.

To get more information about our programs or contracting with the UO SRML, please contact us.

Josh Peterson, Director — email: jpeters4@uoregon.