SRML station photos: Silver Lake, OR

View of the Silver Lake monitoring station facing North West. The ventilated CMP11 is on the right side. The rotating shadowband radiometer (RSR) is on the left side. The data logger box is near the bottom. The Silver Lake site is powered using solar panels and battery.

View of the Silver Lake monitoring station facing North.

View of the Silver Lake monitoring station facing East.

View of the Silver Lake monitoring station facing South. The sensors are mounted above the security fence.

View of the Silver Lake monitoring station facing West.

A 360 degree view from the station. The Silver Lake monitoring station has an excellent view of the horizon in all directions. The approximate locations of North, East, South, and West are labeled. The elevation angle of prominate features on the horizon are labeled.
The approximate elevation angle and aziumuthal anlge of predominate features of the skyline are denoted in the picture. NOTE: The unceratinty the zenith angle is +- 1 degree. The uncertainty in the azimuthal angle is +- 2 degrees. Due to distortion effects in taking the photograph, the horizontal locations in the photograph are not to scale.