Software tools

Below are links to our various software tools developed by the SRML.

Plotting SRML data

Online data plotting

Our data plotting program graphically depicts selected data, allowing you to see at a glance how irradiance values, solar cell performance, or meteorological readings varied on particular days at specified monitoring stations. In addition to this general program interface, we've included links to it from all of our Web pages devoted to currently active monitoring stations (such as: Eugene ). These links cause the program to display charts of the most recent data we have from our active stations.

Microsoft Excel data plotting

To download a zip file containing an Excel macro used to plot data from 5-, 10-, and 15-minute data click here for the plot macro. To run the program, load the macro in Excel and click on the 'spade' button. The program will ask for the name of the file to be plotted. The file has to be in the UO SRML format.

Solar position tools

The sun path chart program plots the location of the sun at different times of day and different times of year. (More information)
Three chart types are availble:
 1. Cartesian sun path chart.
 2. Polar sun path chart.
 3. Sun dial path chart. (Plotting the shadow cast by a vertical object)

The NREL solar position algorithm online calculator is a good resource for users needing more detailed astromonical parameters.