UO Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory

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About our data

From our Website, you can download any of several thousand files containing solar radiation data. There are many different uses for these data, and so we've created several types of data files intended to satisfy various needs. To effectively use our solar radiation data, you'll need to know about the data encoding and file formatting conventions we've used. This page contains links to that information.

Types of data files

Cumulative summary files summarize single types of data for the entire period during which measurements have been taken.

Daily total files have total solar radiation readings for each day during a given year.

Monthly average files record averaged solar radiation over 5-, 10, 15, or 60-minute intervals for each month of a given year.

Single element profile files display values of a single data type in a tabular format, where there is a column for each hour of the day, and a row for each day of the month.

Archival files contain original and corrected short interval (5-, 10-, 15-, or 60-minute) data for each day during a given month. Each of these files typically contains a number of different solar radiation and meteorological data streams.

Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (MFR-7) files contain spectral and broadband global, diffuse, and beam measurements from an MFR.

Data encoding conventions

Data element numbers are four-digit codes which designate particular data types, such as diffuse solar radiation.

Quality control flags indicate bad or missing data and show whether data have been edited or may be less dependable than other values.

Station ID codes identify the monitoring station at which data were obtained.

Units of solar radiation frequently found in our data files may require a brief explanation, found here.

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© 2022, UO Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory.
Last revised: March 4, 2022.

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Home page URL: solardata.uoregon.edu