SRML stations: Portland, OR (PV)

Latitude: 45.51 (N)
Longitude: -122.69 (E)
Altitude: 70 m

Current data

2 Hour Day Week Month
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The Portland Oregon monitoring station. The Portland station has a rotating shadowband radiometer, a temperature sensor, a wind sensor, and various Photovoltaic arrays. The Portland station is located on the Portland State University campus on the roof of Cramer Hall.
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Sensor history

Data type Instrument Data interval Period of record
Solar radiation data
Global CMP11 1 min. 2022-now
Global Irradiance RSR 5 min. 2004-2011
1 min. 2011-now
Direct normal [Calculated] 5 min. 2004-2011
1 min. 2011-now
Diffuse Irradiance RSR 5 min. 2004-2011
1 min. 2011-now
Tilted South 33° (azimuth 204°) LI-COR Pyranometer 5 min. 2004-2006
Tilted South 30° (azimuth 201°) LI-COR Pyranometer 1 min. 2011-2024
Tilted South 16° (azimuth 201°) LI-COR Pyranometer 1 min. 2011-2024
Meteorological data
Wind speed   5 min. 2004-2011
1 min. 2011-now
Wind direction   1 min. 2011-now
Temperature   5 min. 2004-2011
1 min. 2011-now
Cell temperature elem 9371 5 min. 2004-2006
1 min. 2012-2024
elem 9372 1 min. 2012-2024
elem 9373 1 min. 2012-2024
elem 9374 1 min. 2012-2024
elem 9375 1 min. 2012-2024
Solar cell performance
1.2 kW array Photowatt 100 W/ Advanced Energy 1000 5 min. 2004-2006
0.816 kW array Unisolar 68W/ Fronius IG 2000 1 min. 2012-2024
1.260 kW array Photowatt 105W/ PVP 1100 1 min. 2012-2024
1.14 kW array Evergreen 190W/ Solectra PV1 1800 1 min. 2012-2024
0.6 kW array Kaneka 60W/SMA 700 1 min. 2012-2024
1.755 kW array Sanyo 195W/ SMA 3000 1 min. 2012-2024

Station maintenance

The solar monitoring station is located on the Portland State University campus.