SRML stations: Silver Lake, OR

Latitude: 43.119 (+N)
Longitude: -121.059 (+E)
Altitude: 1324 m

Current data

2 Hour Day Week Month
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Solar and meteorological monitoring equipment at the Silver Lake station.

Silver Lake is a subsidiary SRML station that came on-line on December 13, 2002.

View of the Silver Lake monitoring station facing North West. The ventilated CMP11 is on the right side. The RSR is on the left side. The data logger box is near the bottom. The Silver Lake site is powered using solar panels and battery.
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Sensor history

Data type Instrument Data interval Period of record
Solar radiation data
Global Ascension Technology RSP 5 min. 2002-2011
1 min. 2011-now
Kipp & Zonen CM 11 1 min. 2021-now
Direct normal Ascension Technology RSP 5 min. 2002-2011
1 min. 2011-now
Diffuse Ascension Technology RSP 5 min. 2002-2011
1 min. 2011-now
Tilted South 90° LI-COR Pyranometer 5 min. 2002-2011
1 min. 2011-2022
Meteorological data
Temperature   5 min. 2002-2011
1 min. 2011-now

Station maintenance

The Silver Lake station is located at the Silver Lake Ranger Station.